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picture1_Agricultural Pdf 213032 | Syllabus Sc Horticulture

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File: Agricultural Pdf 213032 | Syllabus Sc Horticulture
annexure 9 b pondicherry university puducherry 605 014 curriculum for b sc horticulture programme 2016 17 onwards 2016 77 33 curriculam b sc horticulture degree programme department wise distribution of ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 15 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Annexure b pondicherry university puducherry curriculum for sc horticulture programme onwards curriculam degree department wise distribution of courses abstract sl no discipline credit total credits hours agronomy agricultural economics extension entomology microbiology engineering genetics and plant breeding seed science technology soil chemistry pathology nematology bio crop physiology environmental computer statistics experiential learning non english nss ncc ped short tour all india grand course title cr hr semester basic hor fundamentals i propagation nursery management ii growth development horticultural crops v post harvest vi vegetable vsc production tropical sub vegetables temperate iii tuber spice in fruit fsc orchard fruits plantation iv floriculture landscape gardening flg commercial ornamental principles plants...

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