File: Poultry Farming Pdf 213006 | Guidelines For Poultry Farming
managemental guidelines for setting up a poultry farm introduction why poultry farming poultry sector provides a great opportunity for employment generation and enhancing rural economy of the state the poultry ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 15 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Managemental guidelines for setting up a poultry farm introduction why farming sector provides great opportunity employment generation and enhancing rural economy of the state industry is one fastest growing segments agriculture production in india showing growth rate about per annum considering wide gap between demand meat eggs recommended actual levels consumption availability poor level unemployment abundance land human resources by way rearing viz backyard commercial layer there an ample scope furthering kashmir valley both sectors have revolutionized has witnessed cagr during last two decades currently employs over people pre requisites starting broiler before following are necessary adequate needed to build various structures carrying out operations water supply clean fresh drinking cleaning purpose electricity provision should be skills experience basic training relevant management essential running project successfully selection site selected preferably at raised avoid logging ...