File: Sustainable Agriculture Pdf 212944 | Ilubrochure
eisa european initiative for sustainable development in agriculture a common codex for integrated farming this codex outlining the fundamentals of integrated farming has been elaborated jointly by the member associations ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 15 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Eisa european initiative for sustainable development in agriculture a common codex integrated farming this outlining the fundamentals of has been elaborated jointly by member associations members are strongly committed to which is eco nomically viable environmentally responsible and socially acceptable they will continue work partnership with all stakeholders achieve goal through promotion further contents principles practices organisation management monitoring auditing crop protection animal husbandry soil water nutrition energy waste pollution prevention wildlife landscape rotation variety choice conclusion more information inside back cover on our planet cannot be achieved without major contribution from people must fed faced challenge producing food rapidly growing world population whilst maintaining s fragile resources modern systems have evolved meet need way that combines essential requirements profitability productivity encompass production alongside conservation finite natural...