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picture1_Lec15 Item Download 2023-02-15 21-28-15

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File: Lec15 Item Download 2023-02-15 21-28-15
15 photoperiodism photoperiodism is the phenomenon of physiological changes that occur in plants in response to relative length of day and night i e photoperiod the response of the plants ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 15 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Photoperiodism is the phenomenon of physiological changes that occur in plants response to relative length day and night i e photoperiod expressed form flowering also called as was first discovered by garner allard depending upon duration are classified into three categories short sdp long ldp neutral dnp these require a relatively light period usually hours continuous dark about for subsequent known g rice coffee soybean tobacco chrysanthemum critical must be if this interrupted with brief exposure red nm wavelength plant will not flower maximum inhibition occurs at middle however inhibitory effect can overcome far mm interruption does have on prolongation initiates early longer cycle wheat radish cabbage sugar beet spinach or stimulates all ranging from tomato cotton sunflower cucumber peas certain varieties during recent years intermediate such been recognized but exposed days periods growth bryophyllum ii rye differences between when less more than darkness inhibit inhibited flash ...

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