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picture1_Crop Production Pdf 212921 | Ncert G8 Boc Biology Crop Production And Management

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File: Crop Production Pdf 212921 | Ncert G8 Boc Biology Crop Production And Management
class viii cbse science crop production and mangement cbse ncert solutions for class 8 science chapter 1 back of chapter questions 1 select the correct word from the following list ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 15 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Class viii cbse science crop production and mangement ncert solutions for chapter back of questions select the correct word from following list fill in blanks float water nutrients preparation a same kind plants grown cultivated on large scale at place is called b first step before growing crops soil c damaged seeds would top d sufficient sunlight are essential solution match items column with those i kharif food cattle ii rabi urea super phosphate iii chemical fertilizers animal excreta cow dung urine plant waste iv organic manure wheat gram pea e paddy maize practice more management page www embibe com give two examples each write paragraph your own words sowing weeding threshing starts loosening turning so that roots can penetrate deep into helps growth several microbes earthworms etc which enrich humus other as require their proper functioning process tilling or ploughing brings nutrient rich to grow layer it utilizes maximum another important placing seed order obtain clean health...

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