File: Paddy Cultivation Pdf 212893 | Agriculture Mcq
explore agriculture mcqs for cbse class 10 1 in india jhumming a primitive form of cultivation is called bewar or dahiya in a odisha b chhattisgarh c andhra pradesh d ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 15 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Explore agriculture mcqs for cbse class in india jhumming a primitive form of cultivation is called bewar or dahiya odisha b chhattisgarh c andhra pradesh d madhya answer rabi crops are sown winter from october to december and harvested summer april august june may july green revolution was successful punjab haryana parts rajasthan western uttar eastern gujarat option kharif grown with the onset monsoon different country these september november states like assam three paddy year aus aman boro west bengal second largest producer rice world after indonesia japan malaysia china crop which requires high temperature above humidity annual rainfall cm wheat evenly distributed over growing season third most important food respect area production jowar maize as well consumer pulses brazil usa bajra grows on sandy soils shallow black soil red laterite alluvial s sugarcane cuba jalpaiguri major tea producing district karnataka tamil nadu...