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picture1_Agricultural Pdf 212873 | Econ 242 Objective 1

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File: Agricultural Pdf 212873 | Econ 242 Objective 1
econ 242 mcq agricultural finance co operation q 1 the word credit is derived from latin word which means i believe a credi b cred c credo d none of ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 15 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Econ mcq agricultural finance co operation q the word credit is derived from latin which means i believe a credi b cred c credo d none of above generally studying examining and analyzing financial aspects pertaining to farm business core sector india economics marketing deals with different sources raising funds for agriculture as whole in economy macro micro related financing at aggregate level refers management individual units concerned lending procedure rules regulations monitoring controlling institutions study how farmer considers various quantum be borrowed each source he allocates same among alternative uses other wise called assets loan temporary transfer asset one who has not equity loans are repaid within period months long term medium short type repayment varies years terms investment or more than over time ranging even also seasonal operations sao crop consumption production refer given farmers intended increase crops these purchase equipment productivity distributed year ...

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