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picture1_Measurements Pdf 212723 | Reassuringly Accurate   Clients Guide 2

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File: Measurements Pdf 212723 | Reassuringly Accurate Clients Guide 2
rics org mappp geomatics client guides reassuringly accurate controlling accuracy for better results what is accuracy all engineering activity needs a given level of accuracy too much can be expensive ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 15 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Rics org mappp geomatics client guides reassuringly accurate controlling accuracy for better results what is all engineering activity needs a given level of too much can be expensive little disastrous the skill surveying in deciding just needed any particular task and then building methodology to ensure that it reached diagram shows simple terms difference between precision think centre targets as true value measurement absolute with reference defined coordinate system example b on but could also used levelling networks relative measurements points survey c geometric fidelity concerns shapes d you need bear this mind when specifying your requirements why should i worry about s question risk low price well represent money or surveyor might cutting corners foundation design construction so knock effects errors costs delays litigation further down line who ends up footing bill inevitably some practical advice make sur e competent qualified personnel carry out work if necessary arrange an ...

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