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picture1_Clinometer Pdf 212625 | Buildinstructions

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File: Clinometer Pdf 212625 | Buildinstructions
what is a clinometer aclinometer is a rudimentary tool which can be used to nd the angle of elevation of an object the angle of elevation is the angle created ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 15 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...What is a clinometer aclinometer rudimentary tool which can be used to nd the angle of elevation an object created by two lines line between your eye and horizontal that starts at as if you were looking directly forward target horiztontal how do i build are going need some basic materials protractor string or shing wire weight like nut washer drinking straw tape scissors step tie through hole in don t too tightly it should slide around turn make sure long enough for other end hang below straight edge keep possible may want cut o ends congratulations complete use gives easy way measure so once know distance from base height calculate total...

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