ref no fuels safety program fs 259 21 fuel oil code adoption date document amendment 10 12 2021 in the matter of technical standards and safety act 2000 s o ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 15 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Ref no fuels safety program fs fuel oil code adoption date document amendment in the matter of technical standards and act s o c ontario regulation codes adopted by reference director for purposes pursuant to section hereby provides notice that published authority dated june as amended is further follows all sections previously are revoked replaced with following background this cad revokes replaces previous april adopts new csa b series consisting general requirements large installations stationary engines special installation burning equipment residential small commercial buildings remainder makes specific revisions above major changes include standard january group amendments october clause adding thereto ulc ord under dispenser sumps revoking definitions appliance approved having jurisdiction conform designated reg manufacturer instructions means certified note where not available follow recommendations if they have been definition has may be used guidelines but mandatory press con...