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picture1_Csa B139 212035 | Oil Burning Equipment And Flammable Liquid And Combustible Liquid Fuel Tank Bylaw 2014 No 9265

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File: Csa B139 212035 | Oil Burning Equipment And Flammable Liquid And Combustible Liquid Fuel Tank Bylaw 2014 No 9265
oil burning equipment and flammable liquid and combustible liquid fuel tank bylaw 2014 no 9265 consolidated for convenience and reference purposes only this consolidated version is not a legal document ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 15 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Oil burning equipment and flammable liquid combustible fuel tank bylaw no consolidated for convenience reference purposes only this version is not a legal document official please refer to the original amending documents includes amendment s corporation of district saanich municipal council in open meeting assembled enacts as follows bc building code means british columbia enacted pursuant local government act amended from time or its successors b fire regulations services c can csa installation canadian standards association d any having flash point at above below e chief person appointed by head department member authorized on behalf f vapor pressure exceeding kpa psi absolute per current g storage tanks h appliance fixture using purpose generating heat including burners electrical apparatus other used connection therewith but i withdraw service remove ground abandonment place causing it be inerted page references another enactment will edition which permit issue case conflict confli...

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