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picture1_Manufacturing Pdf 212015 | Relationship Between Procurement Risk 5541

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File: Manufacturing Pdf 212015 | Relationship Between Procurement Risk 5541
international journal of management and commerce innovations issn 2348 7585 online vol 6 issue 1 pp 5 14 month april september 2018 available at www researchpublish com relationship between procurement ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 15 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...International journal of management and commerce innovations issn online vol issue pp month april september available at www researchpublish com relationship between procurement risk strategies performance sugar firms in kenya ondore j owuor dr johnmark obura alphonce odondo a doctoral student the department science school business economics maseno university senior lecturer abstract are measures adopted by to reduce severity unplanned events within their operational environments this study analysed manufacturing results provide useful insight that could influence policies data were collected using self administered survey questionnaires from middle level employees was census quantitative analyses which included descriptive reliability regression performed correlational analysis indicated there significant positive correlation concludes should formulate on would otherwise improve overall keywords strategy introduction is plan provides structured coherent approach how function adopts po...

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