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...Standard belt conveyors monk limited unit the christy estate ivy road aldershot hampshire gu tx tel fax email sales co uk www com overview ourcompactyetrobustbelt conveyor is a proven product which very reliable and easy to install ideal for handling most light medium weight products they have narrow profile are especially suitable use in production lines where space our built using modules enables us quickly build your specification theyaresafe havealownoiselevelandhavet slotsonbothsidesfor installingguiderails sensors etc thereisalsoachoiceofthreedifferentdriveunits choice of belts smooth running lengths m low maintenance tee slots fixings idler roller diameter mm adjustable side guide option speeds min drive configurations crowned rollers accurate tracking diameters stainless steel support guides power requirement conserves energy backbone square anodised aluminium extrusion widths fixed integral part bed plate increases stiffness heights replaceable plastic wear strip height width ...