matec web of conferences 95 04002 2017 doi 10 1051 matecconf 20179504002 icmme 2016 a method for generating helical surface of the vpa hob on a cnc worm grinding machine ...
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...Matec web of conferences doi matecconf icmme a method for generating helical surface the vpa hob on cnc worm grinding machine van tran ruei hung hsu shih sheng chen and yu ren wu department mechanical engineering national central university jhongda rd jungli city taoyuan taiwan yen technology education vietnam bachelor s program in precision system design feng chia wenhwa seatwen taichung abstract variable pressure angle is an important cutting tool twist free tooth flanks crowned involute gear used high boxes however appropriate has not proposed yet therefore this paper presents mathematical model established based standard by controlling rotational motion axis process numerical example implemented to verify merits introduction patented dressing threaded wheel that can obtain batch production small external gears workpiece profile consideration more efficient lead modifications produced using usually adopted hard finishing klocke et al instead form introduced research analyzing cylind...