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picture1_Tractor Pdf 211404 | Chaff Cutting Machine

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File: Tractor Pdf 211404 | Chaff Cutting Machine
chaff cutting machine krishimate agro and dairy pvt ltd no 1176 1st cross 12th b main h a l 2nd stage indiranagar bangalore 560008 india email sales srisaiagro com www ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 15 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Chaff cutting machine krishimate agro and dairy pvt ltd no st cross th b main h a l nd stage indiranagar bangalore india email sales srisaiagro com www introduction cutter is mechanical device for straw or hay into small pieces before being mixed together with other forage fed to horses cattle this aids the animal s digestion prevents animals from rejecting any part of their food played vital role in most agricultural production as it was used feeding cutters have evolved basic machines commercial standard that can be driven at various speeds achieved lengths cuts respect preference type new include portable tractor where field load trolleys if required product description adopts turrent flywheel fan trinity design steel welded structure work steady low noise strong durable safety reliable convex shape length uniformity without deviation u save power cut different such mm throw distance lengthen out meters suitable large middle cow space sheep feed process factory also pasture corn str...

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