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picture1_Overhead Crane Pdf 211368 | Lift Plan Permit Form

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File: Overhead Crane Pdf 211368 | Lift Plan Permit Form
lift plan this plan is required to be completed for all lifts conducted using mobile cranes gantry cranes vehicle loading cranes or any other mechanical lifting activity outside the confines ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 15 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Lift plan this is required to be completed for all lifts conducted using mobile cranes gantry vehicle loading or any other mechanical lifting activity outside the confines of standard forklift operations section details work department supervisor site location date undertaken planning has relevant swms been reviewed by involved in task y mandatory are controls place maintain exclusion zone around overhead electrical lines including use a n spotter path assessed and established have adequate drop zones along do crane operators appropriate competencies high risk licences device fit purpose inspected within current timeframes ground conditions considered stability being used if earth moving equipment conduct activities does points with safe working loads clearly identified gear there requirement licenced dogger rigger person conducting not then ensure requirements met slinging can sling load without holding dogging rigging licence predetermined selected authorised persons inspection deeme...

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