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picture1_Crane Lift Plan Pdf 211354 | Lifting Plan

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File: Crane Lift Plan Pdf 211354 | Lifting Plan
lifting plan checklist and method statement mobile cranes site or contract managed or contract lift task description date planned for lift use this checklist before carrying out a lifting operation ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 15 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Lifting plan checklist and method statement mobile cranes site or contract managed lift task description date planned for use this before carrying out a operation it is based on requirements set in british standard code of practice safe if you are using contractor expect them to ask the information section require supply with as sections band c takes place pre planning completion under your control crane operating company ordered load be lifted size shape eyes points centre gravity stability location access route space available at position during after see sketch overleaf maximum tonnes accessories attachments specify their weight not included above expected radius meters height required presence overhead cables other hazards that could affect ground conditions foundations made up impact loading etc configuration arrangements erection dismantling used permissible motion speeds acceleration deceleration peninsula v form lpc page factors taken into account show safety working zone any e...

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