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...Eeqquuiippmmeenntt lliisstt ggeeaarr hhoobbbbiinngg gleason gh cnc gear hobber with auto load capability koepfer pfauter p lorenz ggrriinnddiinngg hoefler helix profile grinder viper sshhaappiinngg fellows shaper sunderland shapers sykes v bbeevveell mmaacchhiinneess straight bevel generators modul generator ootthheerr tool hob sharpener rack milling machine horizontal broaching thread tooth rounding shigiya gps b studer s id od nagase surface scroll down for more ttuurrnniinngg aanndd mmiilllliinngg okuma lathe lb genos le mill turn ii m ex fanuc robot mori seiki lsy doosan vtm mazak dual mb va vb eumega manual heckert iinnssppeeccttiioonn wenzel geartec lh cmm mitutoyo optical comparator tester matsuzawa hardness finish gauge pack software spectroline magnetic particle ssppeecciiaallttyy wire cutting edm machines slotting sand blasting band saws ttyyppee ssiizzee type of maximum module face width unground ground diameter external spur mm mod iso grade internal not available helical i...