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picture1_Procurement Pdf 210444 | Checklist 10 Risk Management

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File: Procurement Pdf 210444 | Checklist 10 Risk Management
checklist for supporting the implementation of oecd recommendation of the council on public procurement risk management risk management purpose of the checklist to guide and support public procurement practitioners in ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 15 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Checklist for supporting the implementation of oecd recommendation council on public procurement risk management purpose to guide and support practitioners in reviewing developing updating their principle framework according principles stage all phases encourage self assessment providing a starting point implementing audience policy maker provide more detailed information guidance each procuring entity private as well actions that can be taken sector civil society improve strategic use description strengthened by following proposed steps below while also improving other closely linked please refer box suggestions comments content format sent org main linkages between integrity systems contribute identify address threats proper functioning system including risks fraud misuse funds or corruption efficiency tools potential mistakes performance administrative tasks bring them attention relevant personnel an intervention where prevention mitigation is possible e development such red flags d...

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