File: Sourcing In Supply Chain Management Pdf 209409 | 20170802041644 Paper 4 Vo 10 No 4, 2017
operations and supply chain management vol 10 no 4 2017 pp 226 239 issn 1979 3561 eissn 2759 9363 sourcing from china a literature review of motivations outcomes problems and ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 14 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Operations and supply chain management vol no pp issn eissn sourcing from china a literature review of motivations outcomes problems solutions kristina kerkhoff department industrial engineering school jonkoping university p o box se sweden email gmail com corresponding author kevin kaul per hilletofth prof david eriksson dr d abstract akesson et al wiesmann benefits developing countries like cover today s fast changing environment increasing aspects such as cost savings increased capacity enhanced customers demands require that companies focus on efficiency flexibility access to skilled qualified human along the entire in order achieve resources coyle harland despite competitiveness global is common strategy potential rewards geographical distances legal or especially an accustomed practice cultural differences threaten success offshored topic discussion by various academics practitioners outsourced businesses kremic salanta even though this discussed extensively dicken dibbern winkle...