File: Procurement Pdf 209080 | Local Content Booklet Suppliers 2017 18 1
local content and production what is designation in 2011 pppfa regulations were amended and the focus was mainly on the alignment of aims of pppfa and b bbee also a ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 14 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Local content and production what is designation in pppfa regulations were amended the focus was mainly on alignment of aims b bbee also a provision made for promotion locally produced goods services works revised beginning now called preferential procurement new promulgated january with effective date april still form part as section following sub sections empowers dti to designate specific industries sectors where only manufactured products that meet stipulated minimum threshold will be considered organs state must include their bid invites national treasury inform via circular allows self provided they consult fails required unacceptable repeal saving states any sector designated determined purposes regulation are regarded having been done under allow issue circulars guidelines this policy strategy intended support our domestic market revamp manufacturing aos aas obliged implement requirements all tenders bids per instruction notes published circulated by list applicable documents s...