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picture1_Strategic Sourcing Pdf 208642 | Strategic Sourcing Plan

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File: Strategic Sourcing Pdf 208642 | Strategic Sourcing Plan
strategic plan strategic sourcing group table of contents table of contents 1 section 1 background 3 section 2 mission 5 2 1 strategic sourcing 5 2 2 services provided 7 ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 14 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Strategic plan sourcing group table of contents section background mission services provided objectives maximize use and receipt incentives improve internal external marketing increase number suppliers in aggie buy access to quality data identify savings opportunities organizational excellence individual skills through education experience developing presentation materials standardized processes branded approach printed brochures material website improvements identifying key campus meetings participate relationships with other spending organizations on regular feedback from senior management participation vendor fairs working procurement contracting teams accounts payable for networking uc groups surveys improvement potential process review tbd once team is filled the university california davis ucd was formed response a systemwide initiative begun by office president ucop since inception members have participated multiple initiatives involving myriad commodity service categories has a...

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