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picture1_Lifting Devices And Rigging

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File: Lifting Devices And Rigging
retention code lifting devices and rigging cg01 ca all a0a 00 000 hst 0002 rev 3 revised march 2021 owner approved by review frequency hse operations manager health safety operations ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 14 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Retention code lifting devices and rigging cg ca all aa hst rev revised march owner approved by review frequency hse operations manager health safety five years or less this document contains proprietary information belonging to conocophillips canada it is intended govern activities of employees contractors who perform work at worksites its most current version may only be relied upon those parties receive a copy provided directly about standard purpose cpc subject matter experts general recommended defenses equipment required severe weather load rating log books labels charts book requirements contents inspection mobile crane boom truck overhead travelling cranes service types class descriptions working limits factors components tow hooks latches suspended personnel baskets r chain date page error reference source not found uncontrolled when printed repair component removal from examples storage safe operating practices planning weight being lifted slings lift plans...

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