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...Public disclosure authorized social development foundation sdf procurement manual july abbreviations and acronyms bdt bangladesh taka c f clearing forwarding agent cptu central technical unit md managing director finance pct core team gob government of hope head procuring entity ibrd international bank for reconstruction icb competitive bidding ida association l letter credit mof bfid ministry financial institutions division ncb national noa notification award pec proposal evaluation committee ppa act ppr rules std standard tender document tec toc opening tsc subcommittee wb world apl adaptive program lending bp procedures cc chief counsel cd country cfr cost freight cif insurance cip carriage paid to cl lawyer cod operations cpar assessment report cpt ctf consultant trust fund cu dacon s data on consultants ddp delivered duty ddu unpaid des ex ship deq quay dp decentralization plan dtp desk top publishing ecas export agencies ecu european currency eds executive directors board fas fre...