File: Procurement Pdf 208450 | Project Management Plan
Ref. Ares(2019)6148707 - 04/10/2019 Project management plan procure2innovate Grant Agreement No. 780192 DELIVERABLE 1.1 BME FACT SHEET This plan will outline the main structures and approaches for project management ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 14 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Ref ares project management plan procureinnovate grant agreement no deliverable bme fact sheet this will outline the main structures and approaches for document detailed responsible partner work package wp number d version date oct dissemination level pu public pp restricted to other programme participants including ec re a group specified by consortium x co confidential only members of authors marlene grauer giselle canahuati contact person further information de page partners association supply chain procurement logistics bbg federal agency bundesbeschaffung at zenit centre innovation technology in zentrum fur und technik north rhine westphalia iclei european secretariat uhm national upphandlingsmyndigheten se legal financial administrative services kammarkollegiet consip it pianoo ministry economic affairs climate policy nl mnec economy development gr eas enterprise estonia ettevotluse arendamise sihtasutus ee bmwi energy cdti industrial es inta institute aerospace sara bedin arvo r...