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picture1_Purchasing Objectives Pdf 208330 | Nd Purchasing And Supply

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File: Purchasing Objectives Pdf 208330 | Nd Purchasing And Supply
national board for technical education national diploma nd in purchasing and supply curriculum and course specifications may 2009 produced by the national board for technical education nbte plot b bida ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 14 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...National board for technical education diploma nd in purchasing and supply curriculum course specifications may produced by the nbte plot b bida road p m kaduna nigeria general information title of programme goal is aimed at producing diplomates with sound theoretical practical knowledge as well skills to carry out middle level supplies functions industry public service effectively objectives end diplomate should be able conduct a simple market survey on any aspect materials items equipment or services make appropriate recommendation s authority identify exploit potential sources use entrepreneurial self employment problems levels analyze them design strategies overcome interpret assist execution overall corporate policies preparation short long term budget write procurement reports prepare execute techniques appreciate basic concepts principles economics their applications mixed economy apply accounts different types transactions statistical inferences aids stock control forecasting u...

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