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picture1_Module 01 Front End Loader Operation

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File: Module 01 Front End Loader Operation
this module describes the basic job steps potential hazards or accidents and recommended safe job procedures for front end loader operation front end loaders are probably the most versatile machines ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 14 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...This module describes the basic job steps potential hazards or accidents and recommended safe procedures for front end loader operation loaders are probably most versatile machines utilized at surface metal nonmetal mines can be used many purposes including loading haulers pushing material grading hauling working stockpiles spoil areas typically with cubic yard buckets sometimes stripping overburden common use is waste rock ore designed primarily in initial training of operators content deals bins hoppers but applied to other jobs performed by a should trainer as supplement practical knowledge specific mine conditions miners injured kiled each year frequently occur when tramming an unloaded machine high speed also result from collsions person getting caught pinch points spilage while numerous exist must aware all times that cause injury self propelled wil during shift inspected operator before particular attention given steering braking systems order ensure proper headlights horns back...

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