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picture1_Procurement Pdf 208069 | Purchasing Process

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File: Procurement Pdf 208069 | Purchasing Process
fitzgerald public schools business office purchasing process background fitzgerald public schools has revised its existing purchasing process in an effort to better facilitate the procurement of goods and services that ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 14 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Fitzgerald public schools business office purchasing process background has revised its existing in an effort to better facilitate the procurement of goods and services that are necessary carry out functions district there several prescribed methods for procuring check request standard purchase order blanket credit card use personal funds eligible reimbursement this document will provide overview guidelines follow when determining which method should be utilized although situations may arise necessitate deviations from established such instances rare exceptions rather than rule additional information regarding orders or cards please refer appropriate administrative note at time activity accounts exempt staff members initiate once a need been determined based on estimated cost good s service costs less equal following i ii iii b greater purchases made via can issued directly vendor if involves new completed w must submitted before payment documentation item attached e g print online cat...

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