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picture1_Pdf Certificate Online 208049 | Performance Namata 2015

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File: Pdf Certificate Online 208049 | Performance Namata 2015
performance analysis of heavy earth moving machineries hemm in opencast coal mines a thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of bachelor in technology in mining ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 14 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Performance analysis of heavy earth moving machineries hemm in opencast coal mines a thesis submitted partial fulfillment the requirements for degree bachelor technology mining engineering by shakti namata mn department national institute technolgy rourkela under guidance prof d p tripathy certificate this is to certify that entitled sri award at deemed university an authentic work carried out him my supervision and best knowledge matter embodied has not been any other or diploma date dept acknowledegment i have immense pleasure successful completion project titled very good experience me sense it given some idea about machines used surface firstly express deep gratitude his as well providing necessary information also support completing would like thank friends their advice all individuals who helps directly indirectly special thanks general manager mugma area eastern coalfield limited lodna bharat coking help attention data required...

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