chapter 25 public procurement glenn penfold and pippa reyburn 25 1 introduction public procurement as a constitutional principle 25 2 the constitutional procurement provisions a interim constitution ic b final ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 14 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Chapter public procurement glenn penfold and pippa reyburn introduction as a constitutional principle the provisions interim constitution ic b final fc c application of s i organs state in national provincial or local sphere government ii any other institution identified legislation iii meaning phrase contracts for goods services five principles implications tenders fairness equitability transparency d competitiveness cost effectiveness e should be taken whole preferential policy framework act pppfa policies preference points system iv specific goals v evaluation criteria vi remedies non compliance regulations permissible preferences equity ownership peremptory rdp sub contracting penalties role tender boards powers board diminishing consequences municipal applicability service provision private partnerships legislative right to just administrative action invalidity interdict award contract damages os ch p with coming into effect was elevated status this position confirmed however it i...