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picture1_Procurement Pdf 207628 | Ppruleamd

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File: Procurement Pdf 207628 | Ppruleamd
matrix of proposed changes in the public procurement rules 2004 note the words in bold underlined are proposed additions amendments in the existing rules the bold words statements are proposed ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 14 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Matrix of proposed changes in the public procurement rules note words bold underlined are additions amendments existing statements to be deleted from justifications for revision insertion new rule s short title commencement these may called no change definitions unless there is anything repugnant subject or context a bid means tender an offer response invitation by person consultant firm company organization expressing his its willingness undertake specified task at price b bidder who submits c competitive bidding procedure leading award contract whereby all interested persons firms companies organizations and includes both national international ncb icb d contractor undertakes supply goods services works e agreement enforceable law f corrupt fraudulent practices offering giving receiving soliciting any thing j have value influence action official been slightly supplier process modified execution detriment procuring agencies misrepresentation facts order conflict interest collusive amo...

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