e-Procurement e-Tendering e-Procurement e-Tendering system e-SENS added value e–Tendering allows companies and individuals The eSES eTendering solution offers a high degree bidding for contracts within the EU to participate ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 13 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...E procurement tendering system sens added value allows companies and individuals the eses etendering solution offers a high degree bidding for contracts within eu to participate of support in terms helping generate more easily public procedures seamless electronically information reuired by contrac digital communication between foreign ting authority another member state using systems any interested company use its tools entire process is under trusted own national submit bid compliance control mechanisms reducing ris noncomplian with other states specifications ce relation documents transferred receive reply from competent crossborder procedure benefits tenderers contracting authorities eual access all procurements european est valueformoney maimising transparency tender uarantee accuracy consistency security andling standardi ed integrated reusable educed time efforts costs transfer nteroperability solutions facilitating one single maret an co funded project ict psp reference b creat...