FIDIC INTERNATIONAL TRAINING PROGRAMME FIDIC Contract Module 1: Practical Use of the FIDIC Contracts Programme: two-day seminar or training course (also available as a one-day course or seminar) This practical training course or seminar, provided by professional engineers with extensive international experience, explains and illustrates the use of the FIDIC Conditions of Contract for Construction (the “Construction Contract”) and the FIDIC Conditions of Contract for Plant and Design-Build (the “Design- Build Contract”). The course is designed ...
(ETC) “FIDIC Contract Module 1: Practical Use of the FIDIC Contracts” This practical training course or seminar, provided by professional engineers with extensive international experience, explains and illustrates the use of the FIDIC Conditions of Contract for Construction (the “Construction Contract”) and the FIDIC Conditions of Contract for Plant and Design-Build (the “Design- Build Contract”). The course is designed to help the participants have confidence in working with these documents whether representing employers, consultants or ...
Dispute Boards in FIDIC Contracts Geoff French President FIDIC DRBF Conference Sydney May 2012 History of DBs in FIDIC Contracts 1995 - introduced as part of Orange Book dispute settlement procedure 1996 - option for 1987 Red Book 1997 - option for 1987 Yellow Book subsequently included in all new FIDIC forms of contracts including the MDB harmonised version FIDIC’s Rainbow Colours Red Civil Engineering Construction (works designed by the Employer) Yellow Plant and Design-Build (works designed by the ...
FEDERATION INTERNATIONALE DES INGENIEURS-CONSEILS CONDITIONS OF SUB CONTRACT FOR WORKS OF CIVIL ENGINEERING CONSTRUCTION Part I - General Conditions Part II - Guidance for Preparation of Conditions of Particular Application With Forms of Offer and Agreement (For use in conjunction with the Conditions of Contract for Works of Civil Engineering Construction, Fourth Edition 1987 Reprinted 1992 with further Amendments) ST 1 Edition 1994 FIDIC is the International Federation of Consulting Engineers comprised of National Associations whose members comply with FIDIC' ...
INTERNATIONAL FEDERATION OF CONSULTING ENGINEERS (FIDIC)’S GENERAL CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT (GCC) FOR CONSTRUCTION WORKS CONTRACTS Introduction The training program for this session includes the definition of the General Conditions of Contract for ConstructionWorks prepared by the International Federation of Consulting Engineers - FIDIC - issued in 1999 and some of the amendments made in 2006 by the World Bank and multinational development banks. We will review the most important contrasting points of these conditions with the General Conditions of ...
Curriculum Vitae NAME Guillaume Sauvaget, FRANCE DATE OF BIRTH 20 August 1964 TITLE Partner EDUCATION University Paris I Pantheon - Sorbonne, FRANCE (Postgraduate degree, International Trade Law - 1988) University Paris II Assas, FRANCE (Master of Law, with honours, specialization: Business and tax Law - 1987) QUALIFICATIONS AND MEMBERSHIPS FIDIC President's List of Approved Dispute Adjudicators FIDIC Certified Adjudicator ...