File: Maintenance Agreement Template 207110 | M 4902ema (6 17)
m 4902ema 6 17 excess maintenance agreement please type or print all information in blue or black ink www penndot gov agreement number executed date this excess maintenance agreement agreement ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 13 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...M ema excess maintenance agreement please type or print all information in blue black ink www penndot gov number executed date this is made and entered into by between the posting authority user fid ss with offices located at definitions appurtenancemeans property lying within right of way a highway together any improvement placed bridge means structure including supports erected over depression an obstruction such as but not limited to water railway having track passageway for carrying traffic other moving loads opening measured along center roadway more than eight feet publication management system coding manual maintenancemeans restoration both that normal improvements beyond state repair existing initial inspection necessary maintain shoulders drainage facilities appurtenances because use posted weight vehicles accordance plan execution has been fully repairshall be condition s on upon which document signed highwaymeans ssystem highways bridges entire width lines assumed legislativ...