contract for grounds maintenance services city of london kentucky london bid number index page i intention of contract 3 ii terms of agreement 3 iii ground maintenance intervals 3 a ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 13 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Contract for grounds maintenance services city of london kentucky bid number index page i intention ii terms agreement iii ground intervals a standard b shrub groundcovers and beds iv scope description the work requested covered applicable standards c related d quality assurance performance e project conditions f edging trimming g clean up h bed chemical applications j tree protection v financial assurances damage to property independent contractor payment claims indemnity insurance requirements vi other rules guidelines notices security legal review vii termination with cause without signatures acknowledgment exhibit form fees state kentukcy downtown this entered into by between municipal hereafter facilities described herein sole purpose is establish that maintain main street in attractive manner portrays well kept professional shall coordinate all activities s designated representatives which be parks recreation director or their designee term about years consisting service each yea...