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picture1_Mrdoc 10898

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File: Mrdoc 10898
no 58 hire purchase be it enacted by the queen s most excellent majesty by and with the advice and consent of the legislative council and the legislative assembly of ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 13 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...No hire purchase be it enacted by the queen s most excellent majesty and with advice consent of legislative council assembly western australia in this present parliament assembled authority same as follows part i preliminary short title act may cited commence ment division into parts shall come operation on a day to fixed proclamation is divided ss ii formation contents agreements iii protection hirers warranties conditions statutory rights early completion agree ments voluntary return goods repossessions iv guarantees v insurance vi miscellaneous ion applies relation all copireatt made entered at any time or after date coming are repealed but former continues have effect before if had not been unless inconsistent ti ir th context subject matter cash includes cheque drawn banker court petty sessions means notwithstand ing provisions composed stipendiary magistrate owner person letting hiring agreeing sell under agreement whom property liabilities passed assignment law period between co...

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