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picture1_Payment Agreement Contract Pdf 206948 | 0402 Ab298 Amend

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File: Payment Agreement Contract Pdf 206948 | 0402 Ab298 Amend
ab 298 proposed amendment the proposed amendment seeks to remove the requirement for the nevada financial institutions division to require a uniform lease agreement puts in statute a standard definition ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 13 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Ab proposed amendment the seeks to remove requirement for nevada financial institutions division require a uniform lease agreement puts in statute standard definition of default and additional contract requirements disclosures when leasing used vehicle as these types leases are inherently higher risk section chapter nrs is hereby amended by adding thereto provisions set forth sections inclusive this act sec consumer contractual contained regarding on part lessee only enforceable extent that fails make payment required but no case less than days past date or b prospect performance realization collateral significantly impaired burden establishing significant impairment lessor vehicles dealer must commissioner shall prescribe regulation forms be if noncommercial prescribed pursuant subsection meet use accepted acted upon any other person necessary effectuate contains information disclosed u s c et seq regulations adopted including f r commonly known m provides sale goods services identify...

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