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picture1_Office Lease Agreement Template 206271 | Lease Agreement For Agricultural Lands 1

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File: Office Lease Agreement Template 206271 | Lease Agreement For Agricultural Lands 1
lease agreement for agriculture lands this lease agreement is made and executed on this day of at by and between sri s o d o w o aged about occupation ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 13 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Lease agreement for agriculture lands this is made and executed on day of at by between sri s o d w aged about occupation r represented his her agent being minor father mother brother guardian etc years residing under general special power attorney dated registered as document number year book iv ro sro hereinafter called the landlord or lessor which term shall mean include all their heirs legal representatives nominees assigns lessee assignees whereas land lord herein absolute owner bearing survey no admeasuring acres gts situated vill mandal districts was inherited having acquired same from through a sale deed gift settlement partition will copied in volume page vide pattadar pass titledeed issued m has approached offered to take scheduled property belonging agreed terms conditions here now witnesseth be period months that pay monthly rent rs rupees only exclusive tax electricity charges maintenance any other before every english calander month without default payment witnessed duly ...

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