File: Agreement Pdf 205787 | 5f5bd63922aa54d907b87557 Shareholder Agreement Template
shareholder agreement this agreement is made and entered into this contract date by and between corporation name name of corporation a state state corporation whose principal offices are located at ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 12 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Shareholder agreement this is made and entered into contract date by between corporation name of a state whose principal offices are located at address the individuals entities names addresses listed on exhibit attached hereto part hereof all whom shareholders w i t n e s h whereas present distribution shares as follows amount parties have agreed that to promote good conduct avoid difficulties might result from passing outsiders it desirable make concerning restrictions upon transfer its now therefore in consideration promises herein one another for other valuable receipt sufficiency which hereby acknowledged agree shall directors count number each so long he owns right serve director or designate some responsible person his nominee b officers be following continue president vice treasurer secretary c employ pay salaries such salary may increase employees time provided however compensation paid employee during calendar year services equal unless otherwise unanimously written consent si...