annex a addendum to the uae domestic labour contract the following provisions shall form part of the uae domestic labour contract 1 the employer sponsor selected through the below mentioned ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 12 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Annex a addendum to the uae domestic labour contract following provisions shall form part of employer sponsor selected through below mentioned foreign recruitment agency fra worker name who was deployed by named philippine will pay mandated monthly salary us or prevailing compensation for in whichever is higher provide three standard meals work attire and allow cook his her own food afford with one full day continuous hours weekly rest that paid upon agreement two parties should have right choose whether spend off outside inside residence use cellular phone other communication devices not confiscate it assist opening bank account under remitting percentage proper banking channels also reasonable opportunity remit philippines comply its including this witness whereof we hereby sign at signature tadbeer...