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picture1_Written Agreement Template 205547 | Sub Agent Avaya Schedule Final

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File: Written Agreement Template 205547 | Sub Agent Avaya Schedule Final
avaya service schedule this representative agreement agreement is made by and between you an existing buyer with a signed credit application with the distributor herein defined as representative and westcon ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 11 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Avaya service schedule this representative agreement is made by and between you an existing buyer with a signed credit application the distributor herein defined as westcon group germany gmbh german company having office at hennes weisweiler allee monchengladbach shall be deemed effective date of electronic or written acceptance hereby agree follows whereas master has been entered into wishes to adopt incorporate reference all terms conditions in order become independent contractor for purposes marketing soliciting orders products services commercially available subject additional b desire enter under same except otherwise provided parties definitions capitalized have meanings set forth referred section which they are customer means purchaser excluded that contracted through sales efforts agent who submitted any twelve month period prior time placed commission sought other than would qualified located outside territory net proceeds mean amount subscription actually receives from less d...

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