pasture lease agreement revised 1 2 2019 this contract made and entered into this day of 20 between of first party hereafter known as the tenant and of second party ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 11 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Pasture lease agreement revised this contract made and entered into day of between first party hereafter known as the tenant second landlord is an animal grazing with without permission for recreation ie hunting fishing personal commercial purposes shall not be deemed creation a partnership situation agrees to acres land situated in county kansas responsible conduct any prescribed burn b furnish all fencing materials annually initially inspect repair fences provide adequate legal confinement maintain needed c chemicals labor spraying noxious weeds i e sericea lespedeza musk thistle d regularly check cattle guarantee count replenish mineral salt mark thru initial that will apply more than head stocker fall cows allotted per or cow calf units unit said may livestock from sublet another written consent pay acre pair care total bill due paid upon prior removal on afore stated agreed termination date witness our hands year above...