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picture1_Loan Agreement Pdf 205452 | 37536 Uzb Sfj

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File: Loan Agreement Pdf 205452 | 37536 Uzb Sfj
loan number 2246 uzb sf loan agreement special operations land improvement project between republic of uzbekistan and asian development bank dated 27 september 2007 las uzb 37536 loan agreement special ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 11 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Loan number uzb sf agreement special operations land improvement project between republic of uzbekistan and asian development bank dated september las the borrower adb whereas a has applied to for purposes in bukhara navoi karshkadarya provinces hereinafter called including among others civil works costs main inter farm structures collectors covered under component b rehabilitation management infrastructure as described schedule this by an even date herewith ocr agreed lend from s ordinary capital resources amount thirty two million six hundred thousand dollars agricultural capacity building water institutions on irrigation drainage c make funds upon terms conditions set forth now therefore parties agree follows article i regulations definitions section all provisions january are hereby made applicable with same force effect if they were fully herein unless context requires otherwise addition following have meanings iee means initial environmental examination august prepared ulg northu...

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