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picture1_Sales Agreement Template 205435 | 0350 137x2103119t

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File: Sales Agreement Template 205435 | 0350 137x2103119t
vol 67 july september 2021 3 issn 0350 137x eissn 2334 9190 udk 338 497 1 p 119 132 1 nevena tepavac scientific review article university business academy in novi ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 11 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Vol july september issn x eissn udk p nevena tepavac scientific review article university business academy in novi sad doi ekonomikat faculty of law for commerce and judiciary received march slavko ivkovic accepted april union nikola tesla management exclusive purchasing agreement as a special type distribution the concept legal nature sources abstract it is noticeable practice that direct sales goods are very rare which means economic entities market mainly operate at different levels production or often part complex systems by product reaches from producer to final consumer fastest easiest way these formed agreements according their specifics can be divided into an non selective framework unnamed with permanent obligation contains certain elements exclusivity thus restricts competition so important harmonize relevant provisions subject this paper study through determination its basic features applied key words vertical jel classification k office advokatnevenatepavac rs orcid id gmai...

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