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picture1_Lease Agreement Template 205182 | Lr Item Download 2023-02-11 09-04-17

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File: Lease Agreement Template 205182 | Lr Item Download 2023-02-11 09-04-17
residential lease or month to month rental agreement date landlord and tenant agree as follows 1 property a landlord rents to tenant and tenant rents from landlord the real property ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 11 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Residential lease or month to rental agreement date landlord and tenant agree as follows property a rents from the real improvements described premises b are for sole use personal residence by following named person s only c maintained pursuant paragraph is included if checked on attached addendum d may be subject local rent control ordinance term begins commencement check continues tenancy applicable law terminate giving written notice at least days prior intended termination provided such notices given any shall am pm vacate upon of unless i have extended this in writing signed new ii mandated iii accepts other than past due which case created either party specified rate agreed allowed all terms conditions remain full force effect mean monetary obligations under except security deposit agrees pay per payable advance st day each calendar delinquent next falls has paid one second prorated based period payment money order cashier name phone address location subsequently personally betwe...

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