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picture1_Agreement Sample 205176 | 11202 P Attachment A Sample Agreement

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File: Agreement Sample 205176 | 11202 P Attachment A Sample Agreement
sampleexclusivemarketingand sponsorshipagreement rfp11202 psponsorforconcessions at kiwanis park ball fields this exclusive marketing and sponsorship agreement hereinafter the agreement is entered into by and between the city of yakima a municipal ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 11 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Sampleexclusivemarketingand sponsorshipagreement rfp psponsorforconcessions at kiwanis park ball fields this exclusive marketing and sponsorship agreement hereinafter the is entered into by between city of yakima a municipal corporation sponsor whereas desires certain privileges concerning beverage sales facilities thecityis willing to grant for said in accordance with terms conditions now therefore consideration covenants agreements provided herein agree following definitions beverages means all non alcoholic any kind sold s bases from which can be prepared however that does not include are dairy like products i e milk yogurt drinks nor it coffee further these stated exceptions definition do or apply manufactured licensed distributed competitor company affiliate license joint venture thereof b concession parkball except vending machines c equipment under d located termofagreement general term intent establish long contractual relationship continue supply services signage as requires i...

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