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picture1_Agreement Sample 205169 | 26 Gats

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File: Agreement Sample 205169 | 26 Gats
page 283 annex 1b general agreement on trade in services part i scope and definition article i scope and definition part ii general obligations and disciplines article ii most favoured ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 11 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Page annex b general agreement on trade in services part i scope and definition article ii obligations disciplines most favoured nation treatment iii transparency bis disclosure of confidential information iv increasing participation developing countries v economic integration labour markets agreements vi domestic regulation vii recognition viii monopolies exclusive service suppliers ix business practices x emergency safeguard measures xi payments transfers xii restrictions to the balance xiii government procurement xiv exceptions security xv subsidies specific commitments xvi market access xvii national xviii additional progressive liberalization xix negotiation xx schedules xxi modification institutional provisions xxii consultation xxiii dispute settlement enforcement xxiv council for xxv technical cooperation xxvi relationship with other international organizations final xxvii denial benefits xxviii definitions xxix annexes exemptions movement natural persons supplying under air tr...

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