franchise agreement this mutually agreed upon franchise agreement agreement between writers guild of america west inc and writers guild of america east inc collectively guild or wga and creative artists ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 11 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Franchise agreement this mutually agreed upon between writers guild of america west inc and east collectively or wga creative artists agency llc agent governs s representation covered engaged in the option sale literary material rendition writing services a field work by collective bargaining cba such options sales are referred to herein as agree be bound all terms conditions contained including appended standard rider w rules governing arbitration which incorporated part works written under motion pictures section purpose scope consistent with its role exclusive representative for negotiated good faith is mutual parties ensure that fulfills fiduciary duties writer clients align financial incentives those shall limited respect provisions not apply non other binding on each respective individual agents employees partners principals shareholders obligations at times remain vicariously liable actions taken individuals party behalf within employment standards conduct providing relationship...