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picture1_Agreement Sample 205145 | Rental Housing Housing Institution Farmer And Mec H

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File: Agreement Sample 205145 | Rental Housing Housing Institution Farmer And Mec H
agreement between the farm owner the housing institution and the member of the executive committee housing development by a housing institution 1 parties 1 1 the parties to this agreement ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 11 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Agreement between the farm owner housing institution and member of executive committee development by a parties to this are provincial government herein represented council responsible for hereinafter referred as mec id number acting in his capacity representative namely registered or incorporated terms agree set out below definitions interpretation unless inconsistent with otherwise indicated context means document together all annexure hereto both beneficiary person whose subsidy application was attached project has been approved current on which workers residents reside who is prepared provide opportunities persons meet qualifying criteria beneficiaries rental resident residing land belongs will benefit from be created includes formally employed work legal entity accredited social accreditation authority contemplated act objective acquire develop hold immovable property stock occupation municipality local district metropolitan described municipal structures submitted through copy cl...

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