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picture1_Agreement Sample 204738 | Instalment Agreement

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File: Agreement Sample 204738 | Instalment Agreement
SCHOOL LETTER HEAD AGREEMENT TO PAY OVERDUE DEBT BY INSTALMENTS I/We _____________________ agree that I/we am/are indebted to School Governing Council Incorporated (“the school”) for the sum of ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 11 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...School letter head agreement to pay overdue debt by instalments i we agree that am are indebted governing council incorporated the for sum of and will this in accordance with following terms an instalment every first must be hands principal no later than p m st on until full amount is paid should two not time may without any further notice cancel undertake legal proceedings recover outstanding notify immediately if change my our address or telephone number understand do such a commence action recovery only operative signed copy it before date stated paragraph above name parent caregiver agreed...
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